6stars Values
The flavours we add to every project
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Stay in Touch!
If you’d like to stay informed about future 6stars projects and developments and to read the ‘to-be-launched’ non-frequent newsletter, please feel free to leave your email address below. We’ll promise you not to spam your inbox.
This is our story
Once upon a time...
‘Restaurant de Zes Sterren’
I grew up in a family owned restaurant in Gouda, a small town in the West of The Netherlands. The name of the place was ‘Restaurant de Zes Sterren’. Dutch for ‘Restaurant The 6 Stars’. The name was based on the city’s symbol. A bright red shield, carrying 6 golden stars.
The stars symbolise the medieval recognition of Gouda as an important trading city. In the 15th century, Gouda was granted the right to mint its own coins and became a significant centre for trade and craftsmanship. Also because of its perfect location, being connected to several rivers and so cities like Rotterdam, Utrecht, Amsterdam and even overseas,
In this historic restaurant, my parents created dishes inspired by the paintings that featured ingredients from the same period. These were the products the Dutch brought to Europe. To complete the connection, the restaurant was on the ground floor of a museum, with some of those still-life masterpieces hanging just one floor up.
Why I do what I do
Fast forward to 2008: due to the financial crisis and other reasons, my parents had to close their business. It was a real family drama. I was only 21 years old and was attending hotel school at the time. Since then, I've often wondered, "If I had known then what I know now, could I have helped them?" This feeling remains one of the main drivers behind what I do today: Genuinely helping others improve at what they do and to tell their stories.
Beyond the stars
The star also relates to our cherished hotel industry, especially the 5-star rating, which is renowned for its excellence. You could say that with 6stars, we go beyond the stars by adding a 6th. A less clichéd interpretation of ‘beyond the stars’ is that this is where dreams and opportunities reside. I love immersing myself in creativity and coming up with innovative, and unconventional solutions to create and improve concepts and methods, and to inspire others. This is often referred to as ‘Imagineering.’ I can’t even describe the feeling of joy when I see someone light up with a brilliant idea! Beware, imagineering is contagious.
The Asterisk
The logo of 6stars features an asterisk. In text, the asterisk serves as a marker that points to a footnote at the bottom of the page. This footnote provides additional information, explanations, or source citations relevant to the text where the asterisk appears. In some cases, an asterisk is used to indicate a specific source or to signal that more information is available on the topic.
To me, the essence of a successful hotel concept, business plan, and commercial plan is a good story. If you are a hotel owner or commercial leader, this story should be the footnote, referring to the main source for why you do what you do, every single day. Without this reference, it simply won't make sense, and your guests won’t fully appreciate what you offer.
Get it together
The 6stars motto is "Get it together." This simple three-word phrase holds deep significance for me. It starts with its literal meaning: getting things done. It also encompasses bringing the right guests to the right hotels through the right channels, at the right price, and at the right time. Most importantly, it captures the true essence of hospitality: "bringing people together." And that’s when great stories are being written.
6stars mission
Making hotels the actual destination for travellers itself
On a mission to establishing a broadly recognised label and methodology for unique hotels, united by a shared love for hospitality, parallel work ethics and a common philosophy, contributing to a sustainable and forward-thinking entrepreneurial mindset, securing the future of travel.

Leading Principle
Get it together
Your hotel as the core reason for travel
At 6stars, we sincerely believe that you hotel should be the star of the show. Your hotel can be the main reason for guests to travel to a destination, rather than the destination itself. Much like restaurants, where 1, 2, or 3 Michelin stars define the fundamental allure of an experience. When a restaurant achieves its third Michelin star, it means people will book a table as their primary reason for traveling to that destination. Everything else they do during that trip becomes secondary. That is exactly what we aim to achieve for hotels as well.
The big difference, however, is that 6stars isn't the one to judge. Instead, we are here to help hotels become great by guiding hoteliers and offering the right commercial tools. Our ultimate goal is to make your hotel the reason for travel.
Attracting the right guests
From our perspective, your hotel can only achieve this when the story you want to tell is well written and effectively communicated not only to its guests, but also to other stakeholders involved. This includes suppliers, staff, shareholders, neighbours, and fellow city residents. Therefore, we believe that your business plan ánd your commercial plan should tell your story in every aspect and chapter. Only then will every asset of your company breath your vision.
This doesn’t mean a great hotel is always a 5-star hotel. To us, a great hotel is one that tells a unique and exciting story. This story could be about anything. It could be the personal story of the owner, the heritage of the hotel’s building, the mission of offering jobs to youngsters with tough childhoods, or being part of a newly developed sustainable city area. It can be about anything, as long as it’s unique and compelling.
6stars Values
The flavours we add to every project
"Engineering dreams." It all starts with a dream, a ‘raison d'être,’ followed by a burning desire to do things your way. Your aspirations drive you to greater heights. We help you translate your dreams into a measurable and actionable commercial plan.
"Engineering dreams." It all starts with a dream, a ‘raison d'être,’ followed by a burning desire to do things your way. Your aspirations drive you to greater heights. We help you translate your dreams into a measurable and actionable commercial plan.
"Engineering dreams." It all starts with a dream, a ‘raison d'être,’ followed by a burning desire to do things your way. Your aspirations drive you to greater heights. We help you translate your dreams into a measurable and actionable commercial plan.
We align all our actions with your 'why,' staying in sync with your vision and remaining reliable to your guests, team, and partners. There should be no compromises in executing your strategy and mission.
We align all our actions with your 'why,' staying in sync with your vision and remaining reliable to your guests, team, and partners. There should be no compromises in executing your strategy and mission.
We align all our actions with your 'why,' staying in sync with your vision and remaining reliable to your guests, team, and partners. There should be no compromises in executing your strategy and mission.
We’ll lead the way, not just in crafting your strategy, but also in showing others how to live your values and become part of the story. Future generations are more focused on making a genuine impact rather than just making money. Make them part of your story.
We’ll lead the way, not just in crafting your strategy, but also in showing others how to live your values and become part of the story. Future generations are more focused on making a genuine impact rather than just making money. Make them part of your story.
Writing a commercial plan is not a one-time action. It requires continuous effort to polish and tweak until perfection is achieved. Having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for refining and adapting to the future.
Writing a commercial plan is not a one-time action. It requires continuous effort to polish and tweak until perfection is achieved. Having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for refining and adapting to the future.
We’ll lead the way, not just in crafting your strategy, but also in showing others how to live your values and become part of the story. Future generations are more focused on making a genuine impact rather than just making money. Make them part of your story.
Writing a commercial plan is not a one-time action. It requires continuous effort to polish and tweak until perfection is achieved. Having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for refining and adapting to the future.
Stay in touch!
If you’d like to stay informed about future 6stars projects and developments and to read the ‘to-be-launched’ non-frequent newsletter, please feel free to leave your email address below.
We’ll promise you not to spam your inbox.
If you’d like to stay informed about future 6stars projects and developments and to read the ‘to-be-launched’ non-frequent newsletter, please feel free to leave your email address below. We’ll promise you not to spam your inbox.
6stars Values
The flavours we add to every project
"Engineering dreams." It all starts with a dream, a ‘raison d'être,’ followed by a burning desire to do things your way. Your aspirations drive you to greater heights. We help you translate your dreams into a measurable and actionable commercial plan.
We align all our actions with your 'why,' staying in sync with your vision and remaining reliable to your guests, team, and partners. There should be no compromises in executing your strategy and mission.
We’ll lead the way, not just in crafting your strategy, but also in showing others how to live your values and become part of the story. Future generations are more focused on making a genuine impact rather than just making money. Make them part of your story.
Writing a commercial plan is not a one-time action. It requires continuous effort to polish and tweak until perfection is achieved. Having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for refining and adapting to the future.
The 6stars story
The 6stars story
Once upon
a time...
Once upon a time...
‘Restaurant de Zes Sterren’
I grew up in a family owned restaurant in Gouda, a small town in the West of The Netherlands. The name of the place was ‘Restaurant de Zes Sterren’. Dutch for ‘Restaurant The 6 Stars’. The name was based on the city’s symbol. A bright red shield, carrying 6 golden stars.
The stars symbolise the medieval recognition of Gouda as an important trading city. In the 15th century, Gouda was granted the right to mint its own coins and became a significant centre for trade and craftsmanship. Also because of its perfect location, being connected to several rivers and so cities like Rotterdam, Utrecht, Amsterdam and even overseas,
In this historic restaurant, my parents created dishes inspired by the paintings that featured ingredients from the same period. These were the products the Dutch brought to Europe. To complete the connection, the restaurant was on the ground floor of a museum, with some of those still-life masterpieces hanging just one floor up.
Why I do what I do
Fast forward to 2008: due to the financial crisis and other reasons, my parents had to close their business. It was a real family drama. I was only 21 years old and was attending hotel school at the time. Since then, I've often wondered, "If I had known then what I know now, could I have helped them?" This feeling remains one of the main drivers behind what I do today: Genuinely helping others improve at what they do and to tell their stories.
Beyond the stars
The star also relates to our cherished hotel industry, especially the 5-star rating, which is renowned for its excellence. You could say that with 6stars, we go beyond the stars by adding a 6th. A less clichéd interpretation of ‘beyond the stars’ is that this is where dreams and opportunities reside. I love immersing myself in creativity and coming up with innovative and unconventional solutions to create and improve concepts and methods, and to inspire others. This is often referred to as ‘Imagineering.’ I can’t even describe the feeling of joy when I see someone light up with a brilliant idea! Beware, imagineering is contagious.
The Asterisk
The logo of 6stars features an asterisk. In text, the asterisk serves as a marker that points to a footnote at the bottom of the page. This footnote provides additional information, explanations, or source citations relevant to the text where the asterisk appears. In some cases, an asterisk is used to indicate a specific source or to signal that more information is available on the topic.
To me, the essence of a successful hotel concept, business plan, and commercial plan is a good story. If you are a hotel owner or commercial leader, this story should be the footnote, referring to the main source for why you do what you do, every single day. Without this reference, it simply won't make sense, and your guests won’t fully appreciate what you offer.
Get it together
The 6stars motto is "Get it together." This simple three-word phrase holds deep significance for me. It starts with its literal meaning: getting things done. It also encompasses bringing the right guests to the right hotels through the right channels, at the right price, and at the right time. Most importantly, it captures the true essence of hospitality: "bringing people together." And that’s when great stories are being written.
6stars mission
Making hotels the actual destination for travellers itself
On a mission to establishing a broadly recognised label and methodology for unique hotels, united by a shared love for hospitality, parallel work ethics and a common philosophy, contributing to a sustainable and forward-thinking entrepreneurial mindset, securing the future of travel.

Leading Principle
Get it together
Your hotel as the core reason for travel
At 6stars, we sincerely believe that you hotel should be the star of the show. Your hotel can be the main reason for guests to travel to a destination, rather than the destination itself. Much like restaurants, where 1, 2, or 3 Michelin stars define the fundamental allure of an experience. When a restaurant achieves its third Michelin star, it means people will book a table as their primary reason for traveling to that destination. Everything else they do during that trip becomes secondary. That is exactly what we aim to achieve for hotels as well.
The big difference, however, is that 6stars isn't the one to judge. Instead, we are here to help hotels become great by guiding hoteliers and offering the right commercial tools. Our ultimate goal is to make your hotel the reason for travel.
Attracting the right guests
From our perspective, your hotel can only achieve this when the story you want to tell is well written and effectively communicated not only to its guests, but also to other stakeholders involved. This includes suppliers, staff, shareholders, neighbours, and fellow city residents. Therefore, we believe that your business plan ánd your commercial plan should tell your story in every aspect and chapter. Only then will every asset of your company breath your vision.
This doesn’t mean a great hotel is always a 5-star hotel. To us, a great hotel is one that tells a unique and exciting story. This story could be about anything. It could be the personal story of the owner, the heritage of the hotel’s building, the mission of offering jobs to youngsters with tough childhoods, or being part of a newly developed sustainable city area. It can be about anything, as long as it’s unique and compelling.
Your hotel as the core reason for travel
At 6stars, we sincerely believe that you hotel should be the star of the show. Your hotel can be the main reason for guests to travel to a destination, rather than the destination itself. Much like restaurants, where 1, 2, or 3 Michelin stars define the fundamental allure of an experience. When a restaurant achieves its third Michelin star, it means people will book a table as their primary reason for traveling to that destination. Everything else they do during that trip becomes secondary. That is exactly what we aim to achieve for hotels as well.
The big difference, however, is that 6stars isn't the one to judge. Instead, we are here to help hotels become great by guiding hoteliers and offering the right commercial tools. Our ultimate goal is to make your hotel the reason for travel.
Attracting the right guests
From our perspective, your hotel can only achieve this when the story you want to tell is well written and effectively communicated not only to its guests, but also to other stakeholders involved. This includes suppliers, staff, shareholders, neighbours, and fellow city residents. Therefore, we believe that your business plan ánd your commercial plan should tell your story in every aspect and chapter. Only then will every asset of your company breath your vision.
This doesn’t mean a great hotel is always a 5-star hotel. To us, a great hotel is one that tells a unique and exciting story. This story could be about anything. It could be the personal story of the owner, the heritage of the hotel’s building, the mission of offering jobs to youngsters with tough childhoods, or being part of a newly developed sustainable city area. It can be about anything, as long as it’s unique and compelling.
An authentic story
is the heartbeat of your hotel
An authentic story
is the heartbeat of
your hotel
An authentic story
is the heartbeat of
your hotel
Every detail of your commercial plan should reflect this narrative. And if this story is well written, the hotel will become the destination itself.
Every detail of your commercial plan should reflect this narrative. And if this story is well written, the hotel will become the destination itself.